Friday, 5 November 2010


Positioning Statement: Music for the people
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Price: £3.00
Distrubution: Newsagents, supermarkets and music shops
Rationale:  The approach of the magazine is very much for the audience’s perspective. We will offer opinions and insights; and articles and interviews will focus very much on what the audience want to know and ask, rather than what the music industry and management want us to read.
Style:  Informal and humourous.  As the target audience is for 15-25 year olds, the language will be simple but not too patronising, using slang in the articles and headlines so it is more appealing to the reader.

Images will be a dominant feature of layouts.

Regular Content
·         Editors Letter.
·         Dates for future music gig’s coming to all venues in major cities (London, Liverpool, Manchester ect.)
·         What Did You Think? - A readers review and pictures of a gig they recently attented.
·         Top ten music albums.
·         Official Top 20 Indie Music Charts.
·         Pictures of bands recent gigs.
·         The best artist of the month.
·         KODAK  MOMENT! – The month in pictures.
·         SPOTTED! – Interview with an unrecognised band who will soon be in the charts.
·         Competition.
·         Subscription – Subscribe and get Vision every month for £1.50
·         My Life in the Industry - on the last page; one to one interviews with singer about their confessions e.g worst CD they have ever bought (This week – Alex Turner)
       Feature Content
·         Exclusive interview with Kings of Leon.
·         Interview with the vampire – Interview with popular band ‘Vampire Weekend’.
·         The top ten best legal music downloading sites.
·         Travelling Abroad - The top five festivals away.
·         Gouldust- Ellie Gouldings life in a week
     Following Ellie round in a week to see what she gets up to.
 ·                   An interview with Band Scouts – What are they looking for in a band?
·         Investigation into the scamming of Ticketmaster.
·         An interview with Chris Moyle’s – To see what is on Radio 1’s playlist this month.
·          Mr Unpopular – An interview with the drummer, Gordon McRory out of The Fratteli’s to see why the drummers always get un-noticed.

House Style

Coverlines:  Arial Black and Arial Narrow (bold) 
Headlines : Franklin Gothic Demi Cond
Standfirst: Franklin Gothic Demi Cond  14pt. Byline to be included in standfirst.
Captions: Franklin Gothic Demi Cond 8pt

Features first paragraph: Drop capital Franklin Gothic Medium Cond5 lines deep, and first two words in capitals.

News first paragraph: first two paragraphs in bold capitals.

Body text: Arial Narrow 11pt 

Colour Scheme: Red, Black and White.     

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